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How Data and APIs are Reshaping the C-Store Industry

Petrosoft Presents “How Data and APIs are Reshaping the C-Store Industry” on Oct 26 at 1 PM ET

PITTSBURGH, Oct 15, 2021 — Petrosoft will host a webinar on Oct 26 at 1 PM ET titled “How Data and APIs are Reshaping the C-Store Industry.” Retailer operators have heard buzzwords for years such as APIs, cloud and data workflows. What once seemed to be futuristic is now a reality. 

Today’s c-store operators have better access and control over their data through modern integrations that leverage APIs, which enable cloud systems to communicate – transporting data to where it needs to be added, updated or deleted. 

The result is more timely and accurate information for both the operator and throughout the supply chain. The bottom line is what once seemed futuristic is now a reality that we hope will become the new norm in the upcoming years.

Join this session to hear from Vladimir Peregoncev, a seasoned c-store executive with over 15 years of implementation and data workflow experience. Also, hear from Cory Robinson, Marketing Director for EJ Pope and Son, Inc. (dba Handy Mart Convenience Stores). They’ll share their experience of leveraging the Altria API through Petrosoft’s platform to reduce the setup time, errors and acceptance of promotions. 

You’ll then get to see a live example to get that real first-hand view of the impact of leveraging APIs to reduce promotion setup and acceptance while still maintaining control over your promotions and pricing.

Media Contact:
Melanie Widmann