Maximize Your Beer,
Liquor & Tobacco Rebates
Beer, liquor, and tobacco retailers often face low profit margins and high shrink due to the nature of the goods sold. They are also subject to government regulation at the federal, state, and sometimes local level. Petrosoft makes it easier for these specialty retailers to take advantage of rebate programs, ensure compliance with age- and time- restricted sales, and reduce shrink.

Implement tobacco rebates and earn up to $36,000 a year in extra revenue
Scan Data helps you partner with tobacco manufacturers like Altria and R.J. Reynolds to take advantage of tobacco rebates with ease, increasing profit and customer loyalty
All-in-one point-of-sale designed for you
SmartPOS is designed with retailers in mind. Featuring an easy to learn interface, it’s simple to remain compliant for age- and time- restricted sales.

Deter theft and reduce shrink
With Loss Prevention Analytics, you have the knowledge and the proof to reduce shrink and maintain compliance with age- and time- restricted sales.
Success Story in Mount Olive, NC: Handy Mart
E.J. Pope & Son, Inc. is a third-generation, family-owned company founded in 1919 in Mount Olive, NC. Prior to their 2021 sale to Matrix Capital Markets Group, E.J. Pope operated a chain of 36 stores called Handy Mart.
Before leveraging the Altria API integration from Petrosoft, they would manually enter all their tobacco promotions into a spreadsheet. The price book coordinator then manually entered those promotions and price changes into CStoreOffice, their cloud back-office system.
With Petrosoft’s Altria AI integration, they save half a day of labor and have better peace of mind knowing their data is 100% accurate.

Normally, tobacco changes take the whole morning to execute, and then they need to be audited the following day. With the API integration, changes were implemented in the morning and the audit cycle was completed by noon that day."
Cory Robinson
E.J. Pope & Son
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